807-223-2622 | info@drydenchamber.ca

Why Become a Member

The Dryden District Chamber of Commerce works with small, medium and large businesses and focuses on the overall well-being of our communities. We pride ourselves on regional economic development activities and promotions that showcase our members and what the business community has to offer.

When a business becomes a chamber member, they help make their business and their community healthier and more prosperous. In addition to business support services, members find value in networking events, open houses, advocacy and recognition programs.

As your chamber, we provide value by continuing to identify new ways to meet the changing needs of our business and our community. Member input and participation is vital and we welcome you to get involved.

Promoting and Developing a Strong Business Community.
Small and medium-sized businesses are the backbone of the local economy in Dryden. The chamber will work with your business and municipal, provincial and federal economic development agencies to ensure a healthy business environment. We do this through some of the following activities:

  • Member meeting 2 times per year
  • Business site visits
  • Member to Member (M2) Networking
  • Retail Promotions
  • Member Shout Outs on social media platforms
  • Regular newsletter to members
  • Advocacy Campaigns (Shop Local)
  • Business Breakfast

Membership Benefits

Business Directory – The Chamber’s business directory is designed for both the local consumer and tourists visiting our city. Our members are listed alphabetically and categorized based on the nature of their business. Listings are free to all members. The Chamber website is often the first stop for visitors to the area, so having your business listed in the directory helps direct visitors to you.

Communications – We like to keep our members informed about what’s going on in the region. By adding your business’s contact information to the Chamber correspondence list, you will be kept up to date about current events. We make sure that our members know what is happening, what upcoming events are occurring, and if there is any important information regarding the business world locally, provincially, and federally that may impact you.

M2M (Member to Member) and C2M (Chamber to Member) –  Communication networking is one the most popular benefits of being a Chamber member. If you are a member and have an event, promotion, or important message that you would like to get out, simply send us an email and we will do the rest! We will not only get your message out to all members, but we will also post your message on the Chamber’s Facebook page if so requested. It is a great way to spread the word about your business.

Discounts on Chamber Events – We are pleased to offer our members special discounts on events and workshops held throughout the year. Some of the events we’ve held in the past include the following:

Business Excellence Awards
Home and Trade Show
Midnight Madness Holiday Retail Promotion
“Passport to Dryden” Shop Local Campaign
Various mixers and social events
…and much more!

Membership Perks

  • Online Business Directory of Members
  • Regular communications from Chamber
  • M2M and C2M emails
  • Discounts on Chamber Events
  • Shop Local Campaign
  • Group Insurance
  • ESSO 3.5 cents off Program
  • Chamber Perks App


M2M & C2M


Newsletter – Join our mailing list!