807-223-2622 | info@drydenchamber.ca
Group Insurance & Employee Benefits Enjoyed by 30,000 Canadian Businesses

The Chambers of Commerce Group Insurance Plan has been protecting Canadian firms for over 40 years. More than 30,000 small to midsize businesses choose the Chambers Plan to protect their employees with comprehensive group benefits, including Health and Dental insurance, making it Canada’s #1 employee benefits plan for small business.

The Chambers Plan is the simple, stable, smart choice for business; combining accessibility, flexibility, and the stability of pooled benefits. Firms choose the Chambers Plan year after year because it offers unsurpassed value and customer service.
The Chambers Plan – it’s for your benefit.





Simple, Stable, and Smart Group Benefits Solutions

No business stands still. No matter if your team’s size changes, you add a vertical, downsize, or scale-up, we’re here for you. We built our business on simple, stable, and smart solutions that shift quickly with your life and the life of your business. Group benefits plans are fully customizable and personalized and include:

  • Quick and simple online enrolment
  • Speedy claim reimbursement
  • Simple online administration
  • Exclusive advisor support
  • Stable premiums

Our comprehensive, online Plan management platform, my-benefits®, features easy-to-use electronic claim submission and reimbursements along with wellness supports for employees. And my-benefits for Plan Administrators makes your life simple with fast and efficient management of your group benefits plan.